The shocking truth is that over 99% of new vinyl records contain highly toxic chemicals (including lead and chloride) which poison the earth. These records cannot be recycled and take an estimated 1000 years to decompose*. To make the situation even worse virtually all new vinyl records are made in energy guzzling pressing plants with water boilers running 24/7 to help power steam based manufacturing machinery.  None of these plants were designed to manufacture sustainably and the worse offenders not only generate a huge carbon footprint but also fail to properly manage toxic waste which pollutes local environments and sometimes even their staff. 

* This statistic is from Kyle Devine - Head of Research and Associate Professor in the Department of Musicology at the University of Oslo

For more information read this excellent article from The Quietus. The content about NAKED is now outofdate but it's still the best overview about the environmental cost of vinyl records that we have found (if you want the long read then buy Decomposed by Professor Kyle Devine on MIT Press):

Addicted To Plastic? Eco-Vinyl And The Impact Of Our Listening Habits

NAKED does not use traditional vinyl pressing plants. All NAKED records are non-toxic and recyclable and made in pressing plants where sustainability is at the heart of the business. 

NAKED's first 4 records by Babybird, Beezewax, Lowgold and The Chesterfields were pressed at 'Deepgrooves', a fully circular pressing plant known as 'The Greenest Vinyl Pressing Plant in the World'. At the time we were making the most eco-friendly vinyl records in the World. But in early 2023 we were privileged to have NAKED's 5th album by Stars pressed on a groundbreaking new energy saving vinyl pressing machine. Not only does this new machine use between 80-90% less electricity* and make records from PET (the most recyclable non-toxic plastic in the World), it also makes records with exceptional sound quality. It's a win win! All of NAKED's releases after Stars have been and will be made from PET and pressed on this incredible new machine.

(*exact energy saving figure to be published upon completion of an ongoing independent Life Cycle Assessment)

In addition to pressing on eco-friendly vinyl all NAKED record sleeves (and marketing materials) are made from recycled and/or FSC certified card and paper and printed using EPEA certified inks.

At NAKED we are extremely aware that green-washing is becoming increasingly common in the music industry.  We do not make supply chain decisions based on nice marketing claims. Instead we visit and inspect pressing plants in person and go to great lengths to check out supplier claims and keep up-to-date with new innovation. In 2024 Tom Hughes joined NAKED as Sustainability Director, Tom is not only ensuring that every decision we make is the most sustainable one but he has already started NAKED on its journey towards BCorp certification. We guarantee that NAKED will always provide customers with the eco vinyl records which not only sound and look fantastic but are made in a way which shows maximum respect to the environment and minimises climate change.